
T-shirts are Gildan brand cotton. Pretty good stuff. Logos are soft HTV that is comfortable and holds up well. Cars etc are DTF.

Place your order with the PayPal cart links below. Specify your size and color in the notes - the shirt and logos can be custom colors and layouts. So you can mix a Beretta or Camaro graphic with T56 logo or have me put the logos on front or back, etc.

The store is a little ancient and limited, so don't hesitate to email me if you have questions or custom requests...

  • T-shirt - Beretta smoke . $20
  • T-shirt - NastyZ28 . $20
  • T-shirt - T56 . $20
  • T-shirt - SSBB . $20
  • T-shirt - ZF6 . $20
  • T-shirt - Zixty Nice . $20
  • T-shirt - Z69 . $20
  • T-shirt - Gearhead . $20
  • T-shirt - Beretta 3400 . $20
  • T-shirt - Beretta LS . $20